Royal Pains - Season 2 Opener w/ltd commercial interruption

HankMed is BACK! The Season 2 opener for Royal Pains was June 3rd at 10pm on USA. If you
were watching anything else, you should be tested for galactically stupiditis, because you are a retard.

With it being an entire year since we last saw Hank, Evan, Divya & Jill, I was a little worried that I would have forgotten what last happened. Thanks to USA, they fill you in on why Hank and his accountant brother, Evan, started up HankMed in the Hamptons, some of the cases they experienced, and of course the personal drama.

The first season concluded with Hank & Evan being screwed financially by their father and left for broke. The second season doesn't skip a beat and starts right with Hank trying to pick up the pieces. Poor blinded Evan is still holding out hope that their father will repay the "loan."

Hank tries to snap Evan into reality, that their father is a lying, thieving, bastard, as Evan mopes around the house watching infomercials. Hank & Divya try to earn money for HankMed and get a call from a famous inventor/infomercial guy. Think Ron Popeil, only younger and with spasticity.

The episode revolves around continually getting the inventor out of the many jams he puts himself into, such as falling off a ladder, shooting his hand with a nail gun & being trapped in a panic room, midway through the door. Of course Hank uses unconventional ways to brilliantly save this guys life, like always, but that doesn't dull the storyline since it is so well written.

A subplot is that Jill's job is on the line because she lost two ER docs last season, one being her former husband, who's hottie pants ass was played by Bruno Campos, walked away and left us last season.
A new character was introduced to us, Dr.Elizabeth Blair, played by Marcia Gay Harden, who is a hard nosed bitch, unhappy with everything Jill has done at the hospital because it's an inconvenience to her.
She files a formal complaint against Jill, but during the hearing, Jill gets an emergency text from Hank & walks out, losing her job which is taken over by Dr. Blair.

With the usual but fresh banter between Evan and Divya, the sexual tension gets even higher when he finds out Divya went through with her pre-arranged engagement from last season.
Evan even opens up to Divya about his problems with his dad.

Speaking of Hank & Evan's dad, we FINALLY get to meet him and he is none
other than Henry Winkler! What a perfect addition to the cast! Of course he only shows up at the end of the episode to repay Evan the loan and receive a giant punch in the face from Hank. BUT according to, he will be in at least 2 more episodes this season. There will be more guest stars, but you will just have to watch to find out who they are.

Royal Pains airs Thursday nights at 10pm Eastern, on USA. Check it out or check yourself into a mental health facility.

I give this show a MUST SEE 4 of 5 smiles